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Outreach in our community

Referrals and projects

We are proud to be embedded in the Islington community.

Through our established community networks we proactively work to break down any barriers which might prevent a child or young person from participating in our work, reaching out to individuals from a diverse range of backgrounds through targeted community engagement.

Angel Shed members are often referred to us by teachers, social workers and organisations working with children and young people across the borough. Lasting engagement with our members is at the heart of our work, with young people able to stay with us from age 7 through to 19 as members, and beyond as volunteers.

We take our work into the community, delivering inclusive projects in places ranging from mainstream and special schools to refuges and community centres. We engage in a range of outreach projects working with some of the hardest to reach members of our community.

Our active engagement in the borough includes strong connections with the council, our local MP as patron, and support through local funders.

Schools Outreach

Angel Shed provides high energy, fun and educational bespoke workshops in local primary and secondary schools.

Our workshops focus on team-work and inclusion and sessions are designed to to build confidence, develop group cohesion, listening skills, participation and creativity.

We bring in a team of experienced staff to ensure a range of performing arts are represented (dance, drama and music) and that participants get the support they need within the workshop.

Workshops are often about 1 hour in length, but we are always happy to create bespoke projects in collaboration with the school’s needs.

Feedback from past workshops:

“Through group activities, singing and acting children developed a huge range of invaluable skills for the 21st century. These include: focus, creativity, perseverance, teamwork, risk-taking and communication. All of these skills are developed through a style of learning that is inclusive and has laughter, enjoyment and fun at its very heart!"

- Year 5 teacher, Hungerford Primary School, N7.

“a session of fun and excitement that engaged the whole class” 

- Year 1 teacher, St Johns Upper Holloway, N19.

"The Angel Shed staff's energy and enthusiasm was infectious. They catered well to the different abilities and the different temperaments of the pupils. The content of the workshop was well matched their age group and everybody was able to access the work. I cannot recommend Angel Shed Theatre enough"

- Year 4 teacher, Montem Primary School, N7.

"I honestly thought it was the best workshop we have had! I watched the children's faces and they were ALL so engaged. They were very enthusiastic and their favourite part by far was the song and the moves to go with it!"

- Assistant Head teacher, St Andrews Primary School, N1.

We are part of the 11by11 programme of events delivered by Islington Council. To find out more, click here. 

Community Outreach

Angel Shed delivers bespoke inclusive arts outreach programmes. Some of the organisations that have hired us are;

Arsenal Foundation, Islington Council, Solace Womens Aid, Family Action, Partners for Improvement.

All community outreach projects and workshops are creative by our experienced artistic team and tailored with the partner organisation and the participants in mind.

Get in touch for prices and more information – info@angelshedtheatre.org.uk

All staff have up to date enhanced DBS checks.